Thursday, September 17, 2009

I am back

Hi Friends..

I am back after a long time. This looks like a kind of hide and seek with me. Isn't it? LOL!. Sorry but cant help it. I have been very busy with my work, touring from one place to another and not having much time to be at home. My house in chaos, with me neglecting it for the past three and half months or so.

Added to that we are having some repair work going on. The workers have turned my little garden upside down. All my potted plants have been just piled in various corners. Some of my plants have been uprooted and dumped in some bucket or a can waiting to be replanted. My entire garden and my pots are covered with the rough soil.

Just a few months back I had the top soil removed and red soil put in its place along with manure. My plants were just beginning to gain the strength after a long and tough summer we had. Though rains in this monsoon season were not as plenty as it should be, the few spells have revived my plants. Roses, Hibiscus, various varieties of Jasmines were blooming. I had even bought some plants-like Wood Apple, Gooseberry, Pines and Junipers for training them into Bonsais. But could not pot them.

Now I need to clean my garden off all the cement, stones and rough soil, get the top soil changed and add manure apart from cleaning all my potted plants and Bonsais. Its going to be quiet a back breaking work reconstructing my garden from the beginning. I just hope none my plants die. That's so unbearable. Some of them are quite old ones.

I think it may take me at least a month or two of regular work to set my garden right. But with the festivals of Dushera and Diwali coming along I doubt how much work can be put in.

Oh by the way, some my friends wanted me to post on some Indian embroidery techniques. It was long overdue. I promised them I would do some posts but could not keep my promise due to my hectic work schedule. Now I would like to.....

Since I am back- hope with a vengeance, thinking of posting regularly, I have unearthed all my unfinished hobby projects-needle works, quilts (traditional Indian type), painting projects, crafts and many more. I just want to finish them one by one and share them with you all as I finish them.

Oh I am also involved in making some squares for a quilt, which is for charity. I am new to this form of quilting. So I am so excited. Though I am only required to do the top square by 31st October. Thank you Joan for giving this opportunity to us.

I am also involved in one of the Fall challenges- hand embroidery. I would like to thank Melissa for giving this opportunity. Without such challenges people like me who want to pursue their hobbies but unable to do so due to various reasons cant do much. Such challenges provide an opportunity, motivating us not only to complete the project(LOL) but also to do our best, in the process learning from other members of the group who are all very well talented.

I am eagerly awaiting the entries by other participants to see and learn from their creativity.

So friends just watch out my blog for various techniques, crafts and tutorials in the coming fortnight or so.